American Survival Guide Becomes American Outdoor Guide

The times may change but one thing remains the same- staying relevant and maintaining pace with an evolving world requires a commitment to meeting new challenges. This is the hallmark of successful people and companies. The history books are about the only place you can find evidence of those that insisted on continuing to do things the old way, and failed.

2021 marks the 11th year since American Survival Guide reappeared on newsstands. ASG was the seventh title this magazine bore, and it has thrived under that banner. 2021 also marks the year when the magazine takes on its eighth title- American Outdoor Guide. We’ve taken to saying that we’re simply changing our middle name, an update that provides an apt description of a significant focus of the brand, and our readers, for many years.

John F. Kennedy once said- “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”

As we broadened the scope of our content in recent years, readers let us know they appreciated the increased breadth of coverage and the access to an expanded range of skills, information, experts and gear categories. Since much of that growth occurred in topics relating to the outdoors, it became evident that we needed to find a better way to let others outside our traditional community know that we are here; ready, willing and able to help them expand their knowledge, skills and, most of all, enjoyment of the natural world.

What won’t change is our commitment to providing our readers with valuable information and useful advice, derived from years of experience gained by our ever-growing cadre of subject matter experts. Our writers have lived through the situations they describe on our pages, often learning important lessons the hard way. While many are respected trainers and well-known authors in their own right, all have a passion for sharing their skills and perspectives with others who desire to enjoy the outdoors and the confidence and self-reliance the mastery of these skills brings.

The community we support and help grow descends from the American tradition of rugged individualism and the pursuit of independence from the constraints and oversight that come with much of modern life. Believing you can make your way and enjoy the wonders of the outdoors comes from skills that are acquired through curiosity and hard work.

American Outdoor Guide looks forward to many more years of being a part of the growth and success that each of our readers achieves in the field.



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